Trigger Point Injection Therapy in Sarasota
Regain Your Flexibility with This Noninvasive Treatment
Trigger points are tight bands of muscles that are unable to relax due to fatigue or overuse. Stressed muscles often spasm, creating the painful knots and bands associated with trigger points. These trigger points are sensitive to the touch, and many times irritate surrounding nerves and other soft tissue.
The professionals at Platinum Healthcare offer Trigger Point Injections (TPI) to relieve patients of the painful symptoms associated with constant muscle spasms. TPI therapy is a safe, non-invasive alternative to painful steroid shots. The injections contain a compound that helps muscles relax and release tension.
TPI therapy has been proven to alleviate muscular pain and myalgia in the muscle and throughout the body:
- Neck
- Shoulders
- Back
- Arms
- Legs
TPI therapy has been proven to alleviate muscular pain and myalgia in the muscle and throughout the body:
- Neck
- Shoulders
- Back
- Arms
- Legs
What is a Trigger Point Injection?
A typical trigger point injection is a mixture of anesthetic and corticosteroid. Corticosteroids are common anti-inflammatory components found in many over-the-counter pain medications. Because TPIs are applied directly to or near the sore area, the effects are felt not long after the treatment takes place.
It’s difficult to say how long the effects of a TPI will last because it depends on each individual patient’s condition. Immediately following the injection, the area will feel completely numb for about one to three hours. When the numbing is over, you soreness in the area should be lessened or gone completely. Corticosteroids typically linger in tissues for about one month, but the effects can last for less than or longer than this period.
TPIs are not usually a permanent treatment for pains, but by loosening the tightened muscles, they give you a chance to exercise them without discomfort, which can result in a more long-term solution. This is useful for patients in physical therapy and other rehabilitative programs, as it provides them an opportunity to stretch and strengthen their muscles to facilitate long-lasting pain relief.
Contact Us for a Free Screening
Contact the professionals at Platinum Healthcare Physical Medicine to learn more about Trigger Point Injection Therapy, and to schedule a free screening with a TPI specialist. Call us today at (941) 927-1123.

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